Energie 360° owns and operates the number-one open High Power Charging (HPC) network in Switzerland, is one of the country’s largest, fastest growing Electro Mobility Providers (EMP) and provides best-in-class charging solutions. This allows the Energie 360° mobility group to provide a unique offering on the market for the creation and implementation of innovative solutions across the whole e-mobility charging solutions value chain.
Energie 360° makes sustainable energy and mobility available throughout Switzerland. The group plans, builds and operates charging solutions. As a financially strong and extremely reliable Charge Point Operator (CPO), Energie 360° teams up with ambitious partners from different industries such as AXA Insurance, McDonald’s and the Coop retail group. It invests in electric charging infrastructure and provide customers with renewable, sustainable energy – always with the vision in mind: create an impact here and now for future generations.
"We believe that the cooperation with CharIN is essential to place us at the forefront of innovation in the charging infrastructure field and to enable us to anticipate market trends and technology. Together we want to shape Europe’s mobility. We strongly believe in collaboration as a way to share experiences, networks and benchmarks with different players from other countries and industries."Rami Syväri, Head of Mobility, Energie 360°
Switzerland is one of the fastest growing e-mobility markets in the world – it is comparable to Norway, Sweden and the Netherlands.
"This gives you many opportunities as a provider. Take advantage of them with us as your partner. We provide you with rapid access to the Swiss market. Together we can facilitate the breakthrough of innovative mobility solutions."Rami Syväri, Head of Mobility, Energie 360°