The first theme to be discussed will focus on an EU regulatory birdseye for e-Mobility, whereby since the current European Commission took power, a wave of e-mobility relevant initiatives have been published; also, beyond the Fitfor55 Package. This includes the EPBD, AFIR, Grid-Codes, RED II, TEN-T, etc. The idea is to give a thorough understanding to the audience of the various regulatory elements that in essence have to work together to provide a flawless roll-out of infrastructure and electric vehicle uptake.
The questions herein focus on inter alia:
- Will the regulatory elements jointly provide what is necessary?
- Are there elements missing?
- Are the political and regulatory discussions going in the right direction?
(This event already took place)
Event Info
10/18/2022 – 10/18/2022

Thomas Neumann
Policy Manager, AVERE Europe

Michelangelo Aveta
Advisor, Electromobility & Energy Efficiency, Electrification Lead, Eurelectric

Kai Tullius
Policy Officer (DG MOVE), European Commission

Glenn Cezanne
Head of Public Affairs, EU, CharIN e.V.