Position Papers and Regulation
Electric charging systems and infrastructure provide the backbone for electric mobility.
Over the course of the last few years, some landmark decisions have been taken in Europe that support the CCS standard as the target solution for all charging scenarios.
All documents
CharIN White Paper on Authorization with Plug & Charge
The paper "Authorization with Plug & Charge" outlines the procedures for user authorization during electric vehicle charging, as described in the CharIN Publication “Authorization Guide EIM and Plug & Charge” and in compliance with AFIR Article 5 (2). It emphasizes that the first chosen method of authorization will be used for invoicing. The solution allows end users to opt for either automatic or manual authorization.
CharIN Position Paper on Charging Acoustic Function
This document analyses the implications of the noise immission requirements that the charging station (CPO) must comply with, taking into account the electrical charging systems and electrical vehicle noise emissions when charging. This document shall provide an overview of the topic, give background information, and offer viable recommendations for the future. It evaluates the main noise sources at EV charging sites, and discusses the sound emission and immission impact of peripheral elements at these sites.
Charin White Paper Overview Connectors Used Worldwide
CharIN is dedicated to support and establish the Combined Charging System (CCS) as the global standard for charging Battery Electric Vehicles (EVs) of all kinds including SAE J3400, for example, for North America. CharIN therefore recommends a harmonized connector approach per geographical region to facilitate cross-border travel and enhance EV market uptakeas outlined in the document. Moreover, CharIN supports the Megawatt Charging System (MCS) ensuring compatibility and efficiency across different applications.
Task Force Mining Dynamic Charging Interface
This white paper from the Mining Taskforce outlines the technical requirements for a dynamic charging interface (DCI) on a mining haul truck. Additionally, this white paper provides the industry with background information and guidelines for implementing dynamic charging systems – allowing battery electric haul trucks to be charged and propelled, while it is in motion, or propelled using the electrical power for diesel-electric haul trucks.
Task Force Cybersecurity WP2: Threat Model Whitepaper
The EV charging infrastructure faces security challenges due to its rapid evolution. Modern systems integrate with smart grids and BEVs, but cybersecurity issues persist. A charging infrastructure model identifies risks, threats, and vulnerabilities. Disregarding security can have serious consequences. The High Consequence Events (HCE) methodology quantifies risk exposure, ranking threats across categories like generic, grid and EV, implementers and operators, and payment and billing.
CharIN White Paper Authorization Guide EIM and Plug&Charge
The aim of this document is to raise awareness of field issues and provide background information for CPOs on how to deal with this issue in a customer-oriented way.
Enhancing EU Payment Services Provisions: Exemption from SCA for Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
In light of the Commission's ongoing review of the Payment Services Directive (PSD2) with its proposals issued on June 28th, 2023, and the relevant request for feedback, we took the opportunity to address emerging challenges in the context of the implementation of the EU Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Regulation (AFIR), its impact on building the European network of electric vehicle (EV) charging stations, and meeting the objectives set out in AFIR.
CharIN position on assessing EU Regulation on Standards (Regulation 1025/2012)
CharIN welcomes the European Commission's commitment to assessing Regulation (EU) 1025/2012. We firmly believe that interoperable charging standards are essential for the green, digital, and resilient single market of the EU and globally. This is why we contributed to the invitation for feedback by the European Commission in September, ahead of an upcoming Commission public consultation with a view to review their EU Regulation on Standards.
CharIN Interoperability Testing Overview
Description of the Testival history, background and content as well as procedures
EU Regulation on Alternative Fuels (Regulation 1804/2023)
The EU Alternative Fuels Regulation (AFIR), was published in the Official Journal of the EU on 22 September 2023, with a view of deployment of charging stations around Europe. The Regulation to be applied by Member States “as the text stands” and shall apply from 13 April 2024. We continue our work as CharIN within the Sustainable Transport Forum to support the development of the Implementing and/or Delegated Acts that will set out various technical aspects to fulfil the ambitions under AFIR.
CharIN Interoperability Guide - PKI use cases
The document describes the use cases for the PKI functions behind the Customer feature “Plug & Charge” which allows easy authentication and authorization process to charge an EV. It refers to the ISO IEC 15118-2, VDE-AR-E 2802-100-1, OCCP 2.0.1 and RFC 5280. The latest 15118-20 version can be considered in a next edition.
QAP for CharIN Conformance Testing of Charging System
The purpose of this document is to describe the specific way about quality assurance plan for the conformance testing, which executes test cases defined in CharIN specification.
CharIN Whitepaper on CCTS specification
This document specifies the requirements of a test device, that is able to test the conformance of EV/EVSE CCS charging interfaces. This test device is being referred to as CharIN CCS Test System (short: CCTS).
CharIN Power Classes for DC Bidirectional Charging with CCS
The Power Classes for DC Bidirectional Charging provides a classification for reverse power transfer from the vehicle to the grid/home/building. Furthermore also the efficiency for the system is considered as well to ensure an efficient operation for the customer
CharIN Whitepaper for Megawatt Charging System
This document gives an overview of several technical and non-technical aspects of the Megawatt Charging System (MCS), as discussed within the CharIN Subgroup since 2018. As a descriptive summary, it provides the achievements in preparing general design aspects of an MCS. For further development this document also provides recommended MCS specifications for adoption by Standards Development Organizations (SDOs).
Certificate Policy for the CharIN V2G first-generation PKI
compliant to ISO 15118-2
Certificate Policy for the CharIN V2G second-generation PKI
compliant to ISO 15118-20
Plug & Charge Europe: Governance Guidelines
This Governance Guidelines provide a structure within which the CharIN PnC Europe Governance Body and the organization can effectively pursue CharIN's Mission. The Governance Body intends that these Guidelines serve as a flexible framework within the Governance Body may conduct its business.
CharIN Plug & Charge Europe: Terms & Conditions
Terms and conditions for the operation and usage of the CharIN V2G root to participate in an open and fair Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) ecosystem for ISO 15118.
CharIN Contribution to European Commission Public Consultation Access to in-vehicle data
CharIN e.V. contribution to European Commission public consultation on the revision of the Union legislation on vehicle type-approval (Regulation (EU) 2018/858) with regard to access to in-vehicle generated data for the purpose of providing vehicle-related and mobility services and on possible legislative measures to ensure fair and secure access to vehicle data, functions and resources.
CharIN Whitepaper Suggestions for improvement of Charging Connectors
The Focus Group Charging Connection worked on this Whitepaper to make suggestions towards the industry for improving the charging connectors. It sum's up some mechanical and electrical failures and gives safety and performance related suggestions for improvement.
CharIN Implementation Guide to Plug and Charge In the context of ISO 15118
The document is meant to ease the implementation effort of Plug&Charge in compliance with ISO 15118 – 2:2014 for all EV market participants with a more practical approach, by elaborating on the most crucial use cases.
It lists the most prevailing implementation related requirements for both the ISO 15118 – 2:2014
protocol stack and the needed certificate exchange. -
Open Letter - Card Payment Systems
In light of the European Commission proposal for an obligation to install card payment systems at charging stations under the proposal for an EU Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Regulation, we as CharIN together with the co-signers Eurelectric, AFIREV, GIMELEC, ChargeUpEurope, EVRoaming Foundation have high-lighted the grave impact of the obligation on the roll-out of the charging infrastructure. We do not believe that the obligation puts current or future consumer interests at its core.We believe the obligation will waste public and private funds, create unnecessary electronic garbage, and inhibit smaller players as key contributors to infrastructure roll-out which undermines the democratisation of public charging.
CharIN Guide ISO 15118 Service HPC1
ISO 15118-2 and ISO 15118-3 specify the communication between an electrical vehicle and an AC or DC charging station according to the Combined Charging System (CCS). ISO 15118-2 was published in 2014 and specifies functionalities for automatic authorization also referred to as Plug and Charge (PnC) and load management based on power schedules and tariff tables.
DC CCS Power Classes
This document introduces power classes with voltage and current limits to assure interoperability between electric vehicles and charging stations and allow conformance testing.
CharIN´s position on Payment Systems for EV Charging – Part II
In light of the current discussions in Europe surrounding ad-hoc payment systems at charging stations, this second CharIN postion paper on payment systems is focusing on the display of prices and the handling of transaction receipts.
CharIN´s position on Payment Systems for EV Charging (Part I)
In light of the current discussions in Europe surrounding ad-hoc payment systems at charging stations, this is an initial position paper of the CharIN Members.
CharIN´s Certificate Policy for ISO 15118 V2G PKI
This document drafted by the Task Force PKI is a guideline that defines the minimum requirements for a dedicated PKI implementation within the ISO 15118 scope guaranteeing a sufficient level of security. The Task Force PKI consists of numerous experts all coming from companies that are involved in the Plug and Charge environment such as OEMs, EVSEs, CPOs, eMSPs, and IT security. Therefore, this consolidated cross-industry document represents a reliable guideline for the PKI implementation in systems using ISO 15118.
CharIN Levels Grid Integration
CharIN presents the perspective on the different levels of grid integration with the following figure.
CharIN recommendations on connector and cable tests for future applications related to IEC 62196-1:2014
The Focus Group Charging Connection elaborates the findings of damages on charging infrastructure in the field and perceives it as a valuable discussion. A list of potential improvements was created especially addressing frequently used high power charging stations in a public environment. The most promising recommendations will be presented in the following.
CharIN Position Paper about Geometric Requirements for Charging Stations
The construction of charging stations and the planning of parking areas on the basis of globally harmonized standards facilitates the improvement of the customer experience during the charging process in public places. This position paper represents a collection of practical observations with the overall goal of enriching the future development of the charging infrastructure with customer-oriented solutions. These should be taken into account in the planning and construction by future operators across all industries.
Position of CharIN towards new standards
CharIN Guidance: Information displayed on charging stations
Full customer satisfaction during the charging process is pivotal, and thus is key for the market uptake of EVs. Providing relevant and accurate information to the customer while charging is therefore of high importance. For this reason CharIN e. V. has published a guidance paper with detailed recommendations on the charging parameters to be displayed to the customer. The guidance paper is available for download here.
CharIN Position Paper about Automatic Connection Device Interface for automatic conductive charging
As autonomous driving is about to hit the consumer market, which enables new possibilities for a fully automatic customer experience, there is the need to harmonize the requirements and to provide guidance. This position paper gives recommendations for two different forms of automatic connection devices for passenger cars: ACDS (Automatic Connection Device for the conventional Side connection interface) and ACDU (Automatic Connection Device for vehicle Underbody connection).
CharINs view on adaptors within the Combined Charging System (CCS)
To make a clear statement this paper explains the challanges with using adaptors and why the CCS should work without them.
Grid Integration - Mission Statement
The Focus Group Grid Integration identifies technical issues, harmonizes approaches between the involved industries and evaluates technical and economical potentials. As a result, this mission paper was developed. It shall illustrate the position of CharIN towards grid integration with the Combined Charging System and provides an outlook for future developments.
CharIN endorses increasing charging currents for EVs up to 500 A
As part of its ongoing process to provide guidance and support for the development of a battery electric vehicle charging eco system the CharIN Association endorses the initiative to increase the charging currents for EVs up to 500 A . With this statement CharIN ensures to fulfil the demands of future use cases.
Members of CharIN worked out an open specification sheet for an interoperable wireless power transfer system for electric vehicles within the scope of CCS.
The work is based on the available position paper and contains proper technical specifications to make interoperable inductive charging possible. Members of CharIN have full access to the document „CharIN industry statement on interoperable wireless power transfer“.
CharIN Support of ISO/IEC 15118
CharIN prefers ISO/IEC 15118 as the communication protocol between the electric vehicle and the charging station. To affirm this position, the benefits and efforts to develop this standard are pointed out in the position statement. Furthermore, the additional use cases which are also covered by the protocol are highlighted in the document.
Position Paper on the revision of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive
The current revision of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) is as an opportunity to accelerate the development of charging infrastructure of electric vehicles in Europe. CharIN states its position in the paper, which can be downloaded here.
CharIN’s perspective on Inductive Charging
To underline its “one system for all” target, CharIN has decided to incorporate inductive charging into its global approach.
SAE International Releases New Fast-Charging Combo Coupler Standard (SAE J1772) for Plug-In Electric and Electric Vehicles, Oct. 2012
WARRENDALE, Pa., Oct. 15, 2012 - SAE International’s much-anticipated technical standard for plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) and electric vehicles (EV) has been approved and published.
"ACEA position and recommendations for the standardization of the charging of electrically chargeable vehicles", May 2012
ACEA, the European Association of Vehicle Manufacturers, has selected the Combined Charging System as the future standard interface for all electric vehicles.
CharIN industry statement on interoperable wireless power transfer
This industry statement covers the most relevant technical objects to define the requirements for an interoperable wireless power transfer for inductive charging of electric vehicles. Therefore magnetic and electric interoperability testing as well as test systems referenced in SAE J2954 are described. The positioning, the safety concept and a common ground assembly position in the parking slot is considered. The document will be the baseline for an open specification for all involved parties.
CharIN recommendation: A harmonized connector approach per geographical region facilitates EV market uptake
CharIN is dedicated to support and establish the Combined Charging System (CCS) as the standard for charging Battery Electric Vehicles (EVs) of all kinds. As there are different CCS connector types used in the different regions of the world, CharIN recommends a harmonized CCS connector approach per geographical region to allow cross border travelling. The CharIN recommendation can be downloaded here.
"Directive 2014/94/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2014 on the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure", October 2014
The European Parliament enacted the directive on the deployment of the alternative fuels infrastructure in April 2014, representing a major milestone supporting the rapid adoption of the Combined Charging System (CCS).