CharIN Conformance Testing

Please find here the CharIN Test Laboratories and approved Systems (Hard-/Software) to empower the improvement of interoperability and significantly enhance the charging experience for users.

CharIN Conformance Approved

Within the CharIN recognized testing laboratories Manufacturers of Charging stations as well as Electric vehicles can test their products according to the set of CCS relevant specifications.

The Testcases are implemented in the CharIN Conformance Test Systems. A so labelled CharIN Conformance Approved product is a significant step towards better user experience and interoperability by improved quality. The Focus Group Conformance Test and Interoperability is the responsible working group within CharIN to maintain the process behind.

Certificate No.



Terra High Power - GEN III

Issued to

ABB e-Mobility B.V.

ABB e-Mobility B.V.

Recognized Test Laboratories

DEKRA Certification B.V.

DEKRA Certification B.V.

Meander 1051,
6825 MJ,
Arnhem (The Netherlands)

Beat Kreuter

Global Service Director Consumer Safety

Korea Electrotechnology Research Insititute (KERI)

Korea Electrotechnology Research Insititute (KERI)

Ansan Office (High Voltage Evaluation Div., Smart Grid test lab.)
111, Hanggaul-ro, Sangnok-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do,
15588 Korea

Woohyun Seo

Principal Engineer

CharIN Conformance Test Systems (CCTS)

The test system vendors have gone through an extensive process of system and test case validation. They have shown their capabilities to provide reliable tests and measurements for the CharIN Conformance Tests within the related CCS application profile.

The CharIN validated Conformance Test Systems (CCTS) can be used for CharIN CCS conformance testing and for individual product development testing.

The Following Vendors have been validated for the CCS Basic application profile based on the definitions in the CCTS Specification and CCS Basic Implementation Guide.
The Next step ("Extended") of the CCS Stepmodel is in preparation and the respective vendors will be announced here after a successful validation:

comemso electronics GmbH

comemso electronics GmbH

Karlsbader Str. 13
73760 Ostfildern, Germany

Anita Athanasas

Head of Sales and Product Management

Keysight Technologies Deutschland GmbH 

Keysight Technologies Deutschland GmbH 

Herrenberger Straße 130
71003 Böblingen, Germany

Jens Schmutzler

Strategic Portfolio Planning EV Charging Technology

Dr. Jesús Gallego

Technical Project Manager
