Within CharIN, a multitude of international technical experts works together in focus groups on advanced subjects around e-mobility and charging.
Aiming at clean transportation by means of e-mobility to fulfill climate goals, and to reduce CO2 emission, they frame requirements, eg. for charging-related standards and help developing a common solutions. The global interoperability based on CCS and MCS will create economy of scale and healthy competition at the same time. In the long run, our targets can be achieved using CCS as common connector, and ISO 15118 as communication standard enabling all different use cases.
CharIN promotes the awareness that a consistent charging standard is needed globally. We are developing specifications for Interoperability testing, certification, and auditing of charging related processes that can be adopted worldwide. As a result, complexity and costs will be reduced, and the user experience can be significantly improved.
CharIN enables affordable e-mobility for all users and budgets fostering clean transportation.
Sustainability needs a global approach regarding clean transportation.