Look-back at last week’s ECTA Roadshow where CharIN presented the MCS connector for the first time in Brussels.
Our show-booth on the connector and panel on “The Megawatt Charging System as a Building Block for the Roll-out of e-Mobility” at the prominent AutoWorld Museum in Brussels were a big hit. Thank you to Michael Keller, Guido Sacchetto, Saki Gerassis Davite and Jorge Soria Galvarro for having shared their wealth of knowledge with moderating from our Head of Public Affairs in Brussels, Glenn Cezanne.
The positive feedback and questions have been plentiful!

Our panel speakers:

Michael Keller
Executive Board Member, CharIN e. V.

Jorge Soria Galvarro
Senior Technical Adviser, Charging & Power Distribution System, Scania CV AB

Dr. Saki Gerassis-Davite
Policy and Data Officer Alternative Fuels Infrastructure, DG MOVE, European Commission

Guido Sacchetto
Policy Officer, DG RTD, European Commission

Glenn Cezanne
Head of Public Affairs, EU, CharIN e. V.