An exciting year comes to an end. A first feeling that we turn back to normal has been certainly supported by on-site events like our Testival in Europe, and only a few weeks ago in Newark, California with a flexible format combining Conference, Networking, and Testival where also observers were invited to join. Thank you for attending and for making both events a special moment after a long time we did not meet in-person.
Also, virtual meetings continued: We organized several CharIN Tuesdays throughout the year with different topics in the different regions of the world.
And the virtual meetings are bearing fruit: We made significant progress in all our Focus Groups and Task Forces tackling critical topics and working on common solutions, and we are proud to announce the CharIN CCS Conformance Test Label for Basic DC EVSEs.
Our member community worldwide has gained almost 50 new members in 2021 and reached the 240 mark, and we are confident to start the new year with more than 250 members.
CharIN has extended its scope and activities in multiple ways: We have gained more visibility in the marine and aviation market. We have intensified our presence and work in Brussels by means of a CharIN Regulatory Group and, we plan to establish a Policy and Regulatory Group also in North America beginning of 2022.
Times and the framework conditions have changed a lot in the last year, boosting the e-mobility sector and all related industries. Climate change strengthens the requirement for clean transportation concepts, and e-mobility is a part of it.
CharIN with all its members is a part of it, bringing charging experience to the next level and promoting interoperability as key success factor of global customer-friendly e-mobility.
News Info
Published on: 12/17/2021