eNovates has a long standing reputation for developing and producing smart charging solutions. eNovates operates mainly in Western Europe and has his main customer base in the Netherlands, France and his home country Belgium. Recently, eNovates has started the transition from pure custom solution provider to OEM/ODM product development. We target CPO’s and MSP’s which wish to establish an install base with our smart charging products, branded to and fully reflecting their business identity.
We have a broad and state of the art product range. Our AC charger product portfolio covers all markets: private, residential, professional & fleet, semi-public and public. Next to AC products, we also have a CHAdeMO V2X DC charger in our offering. All of these chargers adhere to the latest industry standards and can be equipped with a set of features that bring value to the customer: open interfaces (OCPP, HEMS, …), ISO-15118, load shedding, load balancing, interface to smart energy meters…
By joining CharIN, eNovates wants to enforce its engagement in the e-mobility domain and join a community where stakeholders of all EV areas are present.
We’d like to get insight in the technological evolutions that are upcoming and contribute to the actual realization into fielded products. Our experience may be used to challenge certain evolutions towards the real-life products.
Therefore, we can rely on a solid basis of hardware platforms combined with a versatile and customizable software architecture. This way eNovates can provide the best-fit products to our customers which are distributing our smart charging solutions to accommodate the transition for efficient energy management. We support them with products to achieve their goals by co-creating their EV charging solution, hence offering R&D, industrialization and series production services.
eNovates believes in a sustainable future where EV will be the new standard for mobility. In addition we aim for a social economy by producing our chargers locally and in sheltered workplaces that provide meaningful and profitable work for persons having longer distance to the regular employment market.
eNovates is your reliable partner for your EV charging eco-system.
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Published on: 10/12/2021