Personal information and professional background
Info about yourself and how you came to e-mobility
I joined carting club when I was 8 years old and received my driving license at the age of 14 to participate in professional championships. So, driving experience from childhood played an important part in my life. Working in the company that is a recognized Global Leader in Energy Management first time I experienced a fully electric car in 2013. From that time, I’m a happy driver of already 4th BEV as well as connected my career in the company to eMobility industry.
"So, driving experience from childhood played an important part in my life."
What inspired you to work in the e-mobility industry?
Having degree in Electrical Engineering and digital mindset I’m an early adopter of new technologies. eMobility is changing the way things were organized for more than a century - creating a new ambitious industry perspective. From one side it’s a great user experience and building new habits, and from the other side it’s decarbonization of transportation and decreasing emissions.
What excites you about your work with CharIN?
CharIN is a great community of Experts across all the eMobility value chain. It’s a platform to share and discuss with other industry members experience, concerns, perform testing of new solutions, develop standards implementation guides and as an outcome speed-up the adoption of new technologies.
"From one side it’s a great user experience and building new habits, and from the other side it’s decarbonization of transportation and decreasing emissions."
Do you have any advice for young women interested in working within the e-mobility industry in the future?
In my opinion, the backbone of eMobility industry is collaboration and partnerships. It’s a team effort to deliver smooth and user-friendly EV charging experience. It’s a great new and dynamic industry where everyone can realize potential and deliver extraordinary results.
"It’s a great new and dynamic industry where everyone can realize potential and deliver extraordinary results."