Join us for the CharIN Roundtable on 27th October, 2022 organized within the European Clean Trucking Alliance Roadshow (ECTA) at the prestigious AutoWorld within Parc Cinquantenaire, Brussels. The Roundtable will include speakers from industry and the European Commission (see below) whereby the discussion will focus on how the Megawatt Charging System is a Building Block for the Roll-out of e-Mobility. Indeed, the building and roll-out of HDV infrastructure and fleets demonstrate the importance of standardization. The speakers will evaluate the significance and impact of having a MCS standard, and how industry-led products can gain traction for universal use.
Also make sure to join the full ECTA event, whereby you will have the opportunity to take a ride in one of 10 electric trucks and to hear first-hand from European companies already operating e-trucks or on the journey to switching. We look forward to welcoming you!
Participation is free of charge.
Click here for the registration:
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Event Info
10/27/2022 – 10/27/2022
Brussels, Belgium
Our panel speakers:

Michael Keller
Executive Board Member, CharIN e. V.

Jorge Soria Galvarro
Senior Technical Adviser, Charging & Power Distribution System, Scania CV AB

Dr. Saki Gerassis-Davite
Policy and Data Officer Alternative Fuels Infrastructure, DG MOVE, European Commission

Guido Sacchetto
Policy Officer, DG RTD, European Commission

Glenn Cezanne
Head of Public Affairs, EU, CharIN e. V.